
"The Restoration of Christian Culture" by John Senior

If you have been slothful in getting around to reading John Senior's books, you can take the lazy way out and click here: John Senior, Ch 2 to listen to an excerpt of his book read, in dignified and melliflous voice, by our celebrity guest reader.

The Restoration of Christian Culture is one of the best books I have ever read. The first chapter, about devotion to our parish church and love for our Blessed Mother, and the chapter on the Benedictine charism, could make one weep.

In this chapter Dr. Senior is honest, but if you can come to share in this examination of conscience, the rest of his book will lift your heart. He does not lay heavy burdens without helping to lighten them.

I hope this chapter motivates you to read this book, rather than discourages you!  This excerpt, actually, is not representative of the book. Not sure why I chose this one; it's quite depressing. The rest of the book is beautiful. Sursum corda.

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